Flatfile hung sixteen works from my Permutations 1: Reuss River on one wall of this group show.
Permutations 1: Reuss River, 4.6
Each work is a unique edition of one. Because they are not hung under glass, I will print a fresh copy for each work purchased, destroying the exhibition copy at the end of the show or retaining some as artist's proofs.
My work in this show was reviewed by Victor Cassidy in Focus, April 2008.
On view:
Permutations 1: Ruess River, 2.2
Permutations 1: Ruess River, 2.3
Permutations 1: Ruess River, 3.2
Permutations 1: Ruess River, 3.3
Permutations 1: Ruess River, 4.3
Permutations 1: Ruess River, 4.6
Permutations 1: Ruess River, 4.12 Sold
Permutations 1: Ruess River, 5.1
Permutations 1: Ruess River, 5.2
Permutations 1: Ruess River, 5.3
Permutations 1: Ruess River, 6.1
Permutations 1: Ruess River, 6.2
Permutations 1: Ruess River, 6.3
Permutations 1: Ruess River, 6.14
Permutations 1: Reuss River, Views 3.2
Permutations 1: Reuss River, Views 6.2 Sold