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Quarry 4: American Shoe main page

Index to and Links to All the "Quarries" Works in Quarry 4: American Shoe, by Fred Camper

The sizing of the "Quarries" is proportional to the sizes these cells have in the original "Grids" sheets. Thus the sizes of the "Quarries" sheets decreases as the number of images increases. In the Web versions, I have settled on a fixed enlargement, so that the sizes of the "Quarries" on screen are proportional to their actual sizes; on some screens, screen size and actual size may be close. In the viewing the first few "Quarries," you may find the image larger than screen size; if you change the final "html" to "jpg" in the address bar and have your browser set to resize images to fill screen (in Firefox, type about:config in the address bar and click on "browser.enable_automatic_image_resizing" to change it from "false" to "true") you will see the whole image at once.

Quarry 4: American Shoe 5
Quarry 4: American Shoe 5, 3.1
Quarry 4: American Shoe 5, 4.1
Quarry 4: American Shoe 5, 5.1
Quarry 4: American Shoe 5, 6.1
Quarry 4: American Shoe 5, 7.1
Quarry 4: American Shoe 5, 8.1
Quarry 4: American Shoe 5, 9.1
Quarry 4: American Shoe 5, 10.1
Quarry 4: American Shoe 5, 11.1
Quarry 4: American Shoe 5, 12.1
Quarry 4: American Shoe 5, 13.1

Quarry 4: American Shoe main page

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