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Likenesses 4: Amanda, X-Ray 3.1 (2011), by Fred Camper
This work is a diptych. This page shows the larger panel. To make this work, a photo was divided into a grid, and each cell in the grid was repeated nine times in a three-by-three array, mostly in various lower-resolution versions. The smaller panel shows the original photograph. It is acceptable to hang the larger panel without the smaller, but not the smaller alone, and it is preferable to hang them both together, if possible between about five inches and two feet apart.
Larger panel: Paper size, 50.9 X 41.5 inches; image size, 46.9 X 37.5 inches.
Smaller panel: Paper size 17.6 X 14.5 inches; image size 15.6 X 12.5 inches.
Archival ink on archival paper (Epson UltraChrome K3 Inks on Epson UltraSmooth Fine Art Paper)
Unique edition of one
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