This book was published on January 14, 2023, the 90th anniversary of Stan Brakhage's birth. It can now be purchased from Barnes and Noble and Amazon, and I believe from most bookstores. This book collects my writing on Brakhage over 56 years, from 1966 to 2022, in 35 chapters covering 445 pages. It includes an introduction by P. Adams Sitney, and 56 color scans of Brakhage films, which I made over two decades and selected for this book.
The book has so far received three extensive and highly positive reviews, by Brian Hischier, David Sterritt and Paul Attard. The second authors, quite perspicaciouly I thought, quote from what are for me the book's key insights, and from both reviews I recognized much of what I most care about. Hischier really gets at my emphasis on the individual's seeing, and the broader consequences of that, which is different from much academic writing. There was also a pre-publication Zoom call in which I introduce the book and Brakhage and discuss it with several film professors.