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Let us not to a true democracy
Admit impediments. Truth is not true
When a false leader in his lunacy
Tells fibs until his orange face turns blue.
O no! Truth cannot bend to one's own will
But shines a constant light towards which we strive
That guides us forward, backward, moving, still,
And teaches what it means to be alive.
Truth is no liar's fool; its modest breath
Cannot serve up the whole of our desires,
But lies on lies lead to a culture's death,
Exterminates in all-consuming fires.
  So senators who wish their truth to prove
  Have but one choice: convict him and remove.

—Fred Camper, with deepest apologies to William Shakespeare and his magnificent Sonnet 116.

I am intentionally not asserting copyright over this poem, which I wrote myself. It is in public domain. Please circulate if you wish, preferably by just sharing my link. If you make changes, then credit my original with my link and indicate that you have made changes.

Fred Camper
Chicago, Illinois
January 25, 2020.

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