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Art by Fred Camper

By combining multiple photos taken from different perspectives, I have been trying to convey an ever-expanding sense of wonder at objects and places and spaces, driven by the self-invented myth that placing images in true and proper orders will help to heal this broken world. In more recent work, I have surrendered some control over imagery and ordering, in the hope of opening my work to the mix of order and chaos that fills the wider universe. More can be found in my Artist's Statements.
More information: These works are much better on paper, "in person." Set your browser to "full screen" (often the F11 key) for best results. Each of my works except the "Colors" uses digital photographs I've taken, often more than one to a page, and many of these works consist of multiple pages. The multi-page works are formatted as both slideshow and click-through versions; the latter allows you to control the viewing speed. My complete work is also online. Press coverage of my work includes a review in Focus, April 2008. Email me with questions.
Bio Contact Complete art Fred Camper's Web Site