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American Melodrama: Additional Screenings

This course is now over. Of the 14 programs, 11 were screened in advance so that the instructor could preview them and so that any interested student could see a film twice.

Most of the films in this course will be screened the Monday before the Tuesday screenings, in the morning, in the Film Center's auditorium, 280 S. Columbus Drive, second floor — the same place where the course meets. These prescreenings are free to persons enrolled in the class. Watch this space for exact times. Seeing the films twice is of course highly recommended, and likely to be helpful if you're writing a paper on a film.
In addition, where there are films relevant to the course playing elsewhere in Chicago, I'll post suggestions here. Some of these films can be the subject of one of your short papers, instead of one of the films in the course. The first such films are Roberto Rossellini's Stromboli, playing at the Film Center Saturday, September 30, at 4:00 PM and Sunday, October 1, at 3:00 PM, and his Voyage to Italy, playing at the Film Center Thursday, October 5, at 6:00 PM. Either of those films can be used as the subject of the paper due October 16 (but not for the paper due October 2), instead of one of the two specified films in the course. Call 312-443-3733 for further information.
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